Bellavista offers adult and pediatric support with a powerful turbine, highly configurable user interface, and lung-protective features. This next-generation ventilator combines cutting edge technology to deliver simplicity in clinical practice and support daily challenges across care settings. This new ventilator offers efficient ventilation and lung protection that’s focused on:
Performance. State of the art technology with streamlined hardware that’s compact, powerful and durable. Offering robust performance with peak flows up to 260 L/min. Software intelligence that’s clinically proven and highly responsive.
Flexibility. User-centric design that’s as customizable, navigable and intuitive as using a smartphone. Compact hardware allows the user to ventilate on the go during intra-hospital transport with 4-hour battery life and easy-steer transport cart.
Value. Configurable to meet the needs of any clinical practice. Simplified, preventive maintenance for a low cost of ownership.